Buying a swimming pool requires a lot of research, planning, expense and potential tension. When you work with a swimming pool contractor from Best Pro Pool Service in Atwater, California will help ease the tensions and make the process move along smoothly. Don’t make these swimming pool mistakes, as we outline below — you’ll thank us!
Do your research before you meet with a potential pool contractor. Go online and look at swimming pools for design ideas. Talk with your friends and family to gather information and help you put your plan together.
Don’t make these swimming pool mistakes
Look for an environmentally-friendly and cost-effective swimming pool project. You will save money in the long run and will still have a beautiful swimming pool that you will enjoy for decades to come.
Here some swimming pool mistakes you can avoid when you work with an experienced, professional swimming pool contractor.
Opt for an automatic swimming pool cleaner. It is less expensive to install during the construction process than it is during a pool remodeling project. An automatic swimming pool cleaner makes between-service swimming pool clean up a breeze!
Not exploring alternatives to chlorine swimming pool methods. Look at saltwater systems or an ozone cleaning method. They’re easier on the skin, easier on the environment and keep the water clean and clear.
Not researching everything about filters. A sand filter is great BUT a cartridge pool filter outperforms sand. The cartridges capture even smaller particles than does a sand filter. Understand the pluses and minuses of each type.
Not getting a variable speed pool pump installed. A variable speed pool pump is hands-down one of the items you want to invest in. You will see a return on your investment rather quickly and why run a pool pump at the same speed all the time, when it’s not necessary?
Having incandescent pool lighting installed when LED bulbs are more energy-efficient and will light the pool for a decade.
Not investing in remote-controlled devices and automation. When you invest in automation you can “set it and forget it” for many of your pool tasks.
You don’t want to skimp on the items you are putting into your swimming pool. If it’s a choice of a lower quality instead of a higher quality piece of equipment, always opt for the high quality — you will benefit over the life of your pool.